Out of the subconscious and the collective consciousness and the wisdom of ancient minds, of hearts connected to souls… and from where the molten centre of the earth shoots fiery red threads into the gossamer silvery threads of the moon.
She rises.
She is the all-knowing guide to the unending universe and the book within which the songs of all life are written. She is the tender touch of the goddess mother and the soft flesh within which all feelings are birthed. She is the purest strength of the unpierced heart and the lightning bolt from which all love gains unfettered power. She is the armoured warrior cloaked in thrilling fire and the wild creature from where all tameless passions ignite. She is truth, sheer & sharp, and the shining sword along which the vibrating energy of life meets the blood of the earth.
She is WOMAN. And she is EVERYTHING.

We will celebrate WOMAN in our collection of that name. Her stories, her gifts, her essence, her being… In all the trueness of the senses, the sensuousness of the body and the sinuousness of the emotional mind. Each piece an evocation, a part, of the story of WOMAN.
We will shake free the untruths, the diminishings, the shackles, and raise her up to where she belongs once again… we will share her wholeness of tameless dark riches and shimmers of brilliant fierce brightness. All her savage, masterful wildly perfect imperfections, soul shivering primal turbulence and her reverberations of profoundly electrifying, entrancing, boundless spirit. Luminous inferno to serenity stillness in all her untamed faces.
Through wild creativity, soulful explorations and contemplative connection to the everlasting and open hearted wisdom that she offers, we will strive to offer you WOMAN in her many faces, her many guises, her many gifts.
The collection WOMAN UNTAMED will explore a story of woman who has expressed herself through the creative process, and what she may mean to us, to you, to the world. We hope you love all of her creations as much as we love creating them with her.
Artwork/Design by Kathy Rondel & Saskia Lee Rondel